Has malware infected your WordPress website?

Malware is a common issue that many WordPress site owners face. Those who have dealt with it know how frustrating it can be to resolve. When your website visitors encounter harmful viruses and hacks, it can drive them away from your website (and much worse, deal with the new found computer issues they received). 

What is malware?

Short for malicious software, malware is a code that takes control of your WordPress site. It becomes a hacked website, leaving it open for every visitor on your site to be redirected or led to a harmful site instead. They come in three forms:

  • Viruses, which are the most common form of malware and hide in email attachments most of the time.
  • Drive-by downloads, which occur when your website becomes a host for a hacker’s corrupted files, infiltrating visitor’s computers with them.
  • Trojan horses, also known as backdoor malware, disguised as an official program but are actually malicious software that will infect the user’s computer.

Unfortunately, these three forms of malware are unavoidable and are the result of a WordPress site that’s been hacked. Ignoring these nefarious threats will not only create openings for more malware to come in, but it will decrease trust in your business. Clients, and visitors, want to feel welcomed and safe online. By removing the possibility of a virtual attack on your customer’s computers, they can shop and browse confidently every time they visit.

Our WordPress team can help you remove that frustrating malware.

The WP Support team specializes in WordPress malware removal, constantly upgrading and introducing new tactics to keep these attackers away from your website. When you work with us, we guarantee a flawless and hack-free website for you and your clients. 

Reach out today to banish malware and increase your website’s security for life!

An Ounce of Prevention…

WP Support and Maintenance Packages Provide Guaranteed Safety!
Protect Your Site!

Has your WordPress website been hacked?

  • We’ll Clean Up Your Website

  • Update WordPress

  • Update Plugins

  • Update Theme Files

  • Increase Security Measures

  • Guarantee Website Protection for One Year

  • Notify Google That the Website’s Been Cleaned

If you own a WordPress website that’s been hacked,
our WordPress experts based in Scottsdale, AZ are here to help.

Is Google listing your website as ‘hacked’ in search results?

Are you receiving a warning message when trying to view your website?

Take a deep breath. You’re in the right place.

We’ve helped many clients who have been unexpectedly hacked and our team of WordPress experts are ready to clean up your website as well.

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. However, its popularity means that hackers often target unsuspecting users just like you. If you’re not actively maintaining your WordPress website, getting hacked is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’

Want to Protect Your Website from Getting Hacked?

Our Support and Maintenance Packages are a Great Solution
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